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Tuesday, 20 February 2018


the word brings to my mind the years of parenting courses, sticker charts, pennies/pasta/post it notes/tokens in the jar, monetary rewards etc -none of which have worked for either of my children with PDA.

So, last year, in pure desperation I started writing everything down in a notebook to try and identify any patterns and triggers. It is the best thing I ever did for them.

I took it to Camus and they laughed dismissively, but now I am asking for physical intervention training they are taking it more seriously.

I see lots of posts from parents on social media in the position I was in last year so thought I would share a rough outline of what I did.

Of course, once I looked back and saw patterns and triggers, I used pda strategies to minimise these triggers, minimising the behaviour escalations we were having here, which has also meant any meltdowns we have tend to be shorter. To help you at this stage I recommend the pda society for strategies, and the explosive child book.

I know it feels like a lot of work when you are exhausted, but it has made things so so much easier for us all I fully recommend doing this.

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