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Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Night sweat help at last

For the last four years I have been having terrible night sweats on and off. I have tried to work out any pattern to it, trying to identify foods that may be bringing out a reaction, looking for links with my menstrual cycle, the weather, my pyjamas and bedding. Nothing. There is no discernable link to any of it. I have always been honest with my doctors about these symptoms, but they have never been addressed. I have had investigations into gynaecological issues and was subsequently diagnosed with poly cystic ovary syndrome and adenomyosis. Both of these conditions are very painful, cause irregular menstrual cycles that can be extremely heavy. There is a huge list of related symptoms, from increased acne to facial hair, male pattern baldness to night sweats. But given the investigations and following discussions with the medical team, the only symptoms treated were the pains and heavy bleeding. I have also undergone investigations into stomach and bowel issues which just confirmed a previous diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. Again, there is a monstrous list of symptoms that can arise from having Ibs and more so during a flare. Through blood tests to investigate my fatigue and general pains, Gilbert syndrome was identified. As far as I can tell, this just means my blood tests will always show an abnormality and I may need to take care with some medications. But when you look at the syndromes website online, again there is a giant list of symptoms. I also have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, both of which also have massive symptom lists. So quite which is/are causing my night sweats is difficult to ascertain.

My focus more recently has been on finding a way to cope with them, rather than on trying to stop them. I tried different bedding materials, changing to cotton sheets and a light duvet. This made no difference. Neither did having no duvet and using a fleece instead. Flannelette sheets didn't help. Stopping drinking any liquids in the evening made no difference. I took away the mattress protecter and replaced it with a natural topper. No change. I changed my night clothes to shorts and a vest, a nightie, loose pyjamas, tight pyjamas, bought a standing room fan, none of which made any difference either. In fact, there have only been two things I have found helpful to date. 1. A towel There is nothing amazing about this. I spent night after night waking up covered in sweat, it was literally dripping off my arms and legs. I was then too cold to leave my soaking wet bed. My husband actually grabbed me a towel one night as I desparately needed a wee but was too cold and sweaty to get out of bed. After drying myself off sufficiently to use the commode and changing my pyjamas for dry night clothes, I decided to try sleeping on the towel for a few nights (not the same one obviously). I found it was far more comfortable to dry myself off whilst still in the bed, using the towel that had kept my sheet dry. 2. I felt ridiculous sleeping on a towel so had a look online for ideas that others had found useful. I had done this previously and got nowhere. This time was different. I came across a fabric I hadn't thought of before. They even looked nice - unusual for anything functional or supportive. They are stretchy, soft pyjamas made of bamboo rayon.

The reason I bought them was their claim to keep night sweats from leaving you soaking wet by taking away the liquid. After so long I was willing to try anything so ordered a pair, expecting a pair of poor fitting, uncomfortable hospital scrub type clothes. I coukdnt have been more wrong. They are so soft, stretchy and comfortable and fit well. I have worn them a few times now and they are excellent. I have still been having the night sweats but am waking feeling dry, warm and comfortable now. I need to order more pairs for every night. If you are having night sweats I thoroughly recommend you try these pyjamas.

I bought these pyjamas from amazon but no doubt you can find them elsewhere.

If you have any other solutions for night sweats, please share them 💜

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